Seclea Platform provides full transparency of MLOps from inception to production. Every action and decision taken by data scientists, machine learning engineers, project managers and compliance & ethics leads are documents along with their impact.

Monitor all MLOps activities carried out by different machine learning project participants.

Every action and decision in MLOps is rationalised with impact assessment on the overall project.

Review the MLOps activities reliably and efficiently to ensure AI risk reduction and regulatory compliance.
Machine learning projects cover various activities carried out by multiple participants across diverse stages. Some participants can be from different teams/departments of your organisations or external contractors. Monitoring and tracking the activities carried out by individual participants is crucial to ensure:
- Responsible AI practices were followed,
- Improve AI transparency,
- Minimise AI risk for your organisations,
- Robust regulatory compliance,
- Reliable AI audit and accountability.
Seclea monitors all activities taken in relation to the development of machine learning application from raw data to model development to production. Providing a detailed record of development activities and their impact on the project.


The reason behind taking a particular design and development decision or action needs to be documented. Ensuring that there is a document trail for activities related to bias identification & mitigation, provisioning of responsible AI, and evaluating the AI models to be robust and safe – to mention a few examples.
Seclea enables you to identify critical activities in your machine learning projects and notify you to record your reasoning, promoting responsible and transparent behaviour in the project.
To promote responsible AI and ensure regulatory compliance, critical actions and decisions taken by data scientists and machine learning engineers have to be reviewed and approved. This process set the responsibility for individual actions. For this, a review of the activities has to have sufficient information about the activity and its positive or negative impact on the overall machine learning development. For example, how deletion of a certain column will impact the bias matrix or performance of a model. So the competent person can make an informed decision
Seclea Platform keeps track of individual activities and impacts throughout all stages of an AI life cycle, providing you with the necessary information to make critical decisions that can have far reaching consequences.

Why Seclea AI Project Management?

Seclea AI project management (MLOps) enables your organisation to monitor, document and review AI applications at their every lifecycle stage. Whether the AI application is developed by your in-house team, external contractors contributed to its development or acquired from an external or third party. Full review and evaluation is critical to de-risk an AI application‘s deployment and ensures regulatory compliance.
Through Seclea Platform, you get a single platform for your AI project managements needs, integrated with the responsible AI, AI risk and compliance management.
How Does Seclea Works?
Seclea Platform easily integrates with your existing AI development pipelines or deploy applications. We support a wide range of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, so you focus on having the best solution for your business challenge. And leave the monitoring and cataloguing of AI project activities to Seclea.
Why don’t you take Seclea Platform for a test drive?